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Electric And Regular Toothbrush

Manual or Mechanical?

Back and forth goes the argument—what toothbrush is best? Gadgeteers can spend $150 for an electric brush designed to rotate and oscillate, with angled neck, sure-grip handle, dual speed control, and even a timer. Researchers say that rotation-oscillation electric brushes remove plaque and reduce gingivitis better than any other kind—but only slightly better. Do-it-yourselfers can […]

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Tubes of Toothpaste

You and the Tube

Start reading labels to choose the right toothpaste for you and your family. All toothpastes have certain ingredients in common. They’ll contain mild abrasives for scrubbing, foaming detergents to help float away debris, fluoride to protect tooth enamel, thickening agents for stability, humectants for moisture retention, and flavors to make the mixture palatable. Gum Protection […]

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Man Drinking Water

Fast Facts About Dry Mouth

Here are some facts about dry mouth, which can be a frustrating condition… We call it xerostomia—and it can be a serious problem. It tends to happen as we age—but it doesn’t have to. Besides being uncomfortable, dry mouth makes teeth more cavity-prone. It can be the side effect of some medications or radiation therapy […]

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Toothpicks: a Pointed Problem

What’s long, slender, hard, sharp, indigestible and potentially hazardous? That common and seemingly harmless sliver of wood called a toothpick. Reports in the Journal of the American Medical Association point to toothpicks as causing thousands of injuries a year, mostly to young children. Youngsters aged five to 14 were most likely to be injured by […]

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Cancer Awareness Ribbon

Facing Chemotherapy?

Tell Your Dentist Anyone facing cancer therapy already knows—chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer is a serious response to a serious condition. What they may not know is that a dental appointment scheduled at least two weeks before treatment begins can reduce the risk of complication and help preserve salivary glands. The reason is this: […]

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Mouthwash FAQs

Whether it’s to mask bad breath, fight cavities or prevent the buildup of plaque, the sticky material that contains germs and can lead to oral diseases, mouthwash serves a variety of purposes. Or so we think. Though they may leave your mouth with a clean, fresh taste, some washes can be harmful, concealing bad breath […]

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Dental Inspection

Open Your Mouth and Say Ahhh

There’s a lot we can learn from looking into your mouth during a routine oral exam. Not only is the oral cavity a mirror of your overall health—it’s a sort of early warning system that helps diagnose everything from malnutrition to diabetes to cancer. If you’re not getting enough Vitamin C or B complex in […]

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Diabetic Blood Meter

Diabetes and Your Mouth

We could be first to know. Don’t let us be the last. Diabetes affects the blood chemistry and metabolism of its victims, threatening them with multiple serious disorders. But early detection can ward off the dangers, and we dentists are often the first to notice clues. Diabetics are more likely than others to develop tooth […]

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Cold Cans of Soda

Soft Drinks Pack a Hard Punch

Soft drinks are bad for your teeth in more ways than one. There’s sugar, and then there’s acidity. The sugar provides necessary food for the bad bacteria in your mouth. If you’re drinking the national average of two cans of soft drinks a day, you’re giving aid and sustenance to the enemy. Bacteria eat what […]

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Healthy Heart

Heart Disease and Dental Care

Do I need to take an antibiotic before my dental appointment? Patients who have had rheumatic fever, heart murmur, heart valve replacement or orthopedic joint replacement are at risk for a condition called infectious endocarditis. The American Dental Association recommends these patients take a “pre-med” prior to dental work. Here’s why: Bacteria which normally inhabit […]

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