
Check Your Dental I.Q.

Multiple Choice QuestionsRead each question and choose the best answer. Scoring below.

1. The best toothbrush bristle is:
(a) Medium
(b) Hard
(c) soft
(d) electric

2. Teeth grinding and gnashing (bruxism) can lead to:
(a) a pain in the neck
(b) Sore teeth
(c) Headaches
(d) all of the above

3. The dentist’s word for cavities:
(a) holey teeth
(b) caries
(c) cartels
(d) fillings

4. Straightening of the teeth is called:
(a) orthodontics
(b) pediatrics
(c) geometry
(d) endodontics

5. It’s been proven that fluoride:
(a) is experimental
(b) makes teeth resistant to decay
(c) is found in popcorn

6. Expectant mothers should visit the dentist:
(a) before the child is born
(b) during odd-numbered months
(c) no until the baby is 6 weeks old

7. Keeping baby (primary) teeth in good condition:
(a) is important for the child’s speech development
(b) helps the child chew properly
(c) helps avoid major expense later on
(d) all of the above

8. Replacing or relining dentures:
(a) never has to be done
(b) can be done at home
(c) gives a more youthful appearance

9. Softening of the tooth enamel caused by chemical changes is called:
(a) bleaching
(b) demineralization
(c) unglossed enamel

10. Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be:
(a) when he has a toothache
(b) when he decides to go
(c) when he’s a toddler


8-10: You’re a genius! Maybe you should go to dental school.
5-7: Nice try, keep studying,
4 or less: You haven’t been doing you homework. Stay after school.

Answer Key:

1—c 2—d 3—b 3—b 4—a 5—b 6—a 7—d 8—c 9—b 10—c

About Yuri Kaneda, DDS

Dr. Yuri Kaneda was born in Japan and immigrated to the US when she was 4 years old with her family. She lived in Ohio, Nebraska, and Illinois before finally settling in the San Diego area. A graduate of Bonita Vista High School, she went on to the University of California Berkeley where she obtained her Bachelors in Microbiology and Immunology. After working for 2 years in growth plate research at University of California San Diego, she went to the University of California San Francisco Dental School for her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. Upon graduation, she returned to San Diego where she worked as an associate in the practice of Drs. Morimoto and Yaryan, her childhood dentist. She then started her own practice in 1995 and has been at her present location since 1999 which happens to be across the street from her high school!


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