Dental emergencies happen. If a permanent tooth is knocked out, don’t delay. Call us immediately for an emergency visit. Re-implanting a tooth works best when done within 30 minutes. After two hours, the procedure is unlikely to be successful. Call us after any blow to the mouth. A chipped tooth can be repaired, and any […]
Tag Archives | filling

Composite Fillings
What is a composite resin (white filling)? A composite resin is a tooth-colored plastic mixture filled with glass (silicon dioxide). Introduced in the 1960s, dental composites were confined to the front teeth because they were not strong enough to withstand the pressure and wear generated by the back teeth. Since then, composites have been significantly […]

Tooth-Colored Fillings vs. Amalgams
With advancements in dental materials, cavity fillings have come a long way. It used to be commonplace for dentists to use amalgam fillings to treat teeth affected by decay or cavities. Today, more and more people opt for tooth-colored fillings. What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings? Tooth-colored fillings are a composite resin that typically contains a ceramic […]

Getting a Cavity Filled
When You Have A Cavity… What to know about the cavity filling process. When you visit our office for a dental checkup, of course, you never want to hear the news that you have a cavity. However, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, its an excellent opportunity to realize that something is […]

How Do Cavities Start?
You do your best to brush and floss. You make sure that you get your dental checkups. But then, you get the dreaded news; you have cavities. How can this happen?!? Well, the first thing to remember is don’t panic, and don’t beat yourself up over a minor setback. These things can happen, even to […]

Have You Knocked Out a Tooth?
Cheat The Tooth Fairy We sure can try, but your help is needed, and the most important word is TIME. When a permanent tooth is knocked out, the less time it is out of the mouth the better. In fact, the best results are obtained when the tooth is replaced within 30 minutes! A parent […]

The Rubber Dental Dam
Throughout your treatment at our office, we want to keep you comfortable and safe while providing the best possible care. During many of our procedures we use a rubber dam (aka dental dam) to help. The rubber dam is a thin sheet that allows us to isolate the teeth we’re treating. By stretching the rubber […]